The testimonials on this page are from actual clients that RCHH has assisted. The names have been left off to protect their identities. Please contact us if RCHH has helped you and would like to provide a testimonial.
"If not for RCHH, my son may not even be living with me and I may not be in the wonderful situation that I am in today. People need to realize that there are some that just need a little hand or a boost so to speak to get on their feet to become more independent." M.J. Eden, NC
I just want to tell others what Help for Homeless has done for me and my husband. I thank God for them. I had just got out of jail and had been drug free for 180 something days and did not have no where to live. But I was told about Help for Homeless and from the day I talked to them to this day, David and Jason and Art have been a very big part of our life. I thank God for them because if it was not for them we would still be living outside or in a car and I know down deep we would of end up back getting high. I just want to thank everyone who donated things to Help for the Homeless. GP, MP, Madison, NC
Thanks to Rockingham County Help for Homeless and Dave Burnette, my husband, four year old son and I were able to establish stability and the confidence we were lacking for some time. We were living “here and there”. Our families had nearly given up on us because of our poor choices and bad decisions we had made in our past. Because Dave Burnette was willing to give us “another” second chance to change our lives, we now have a nice stable home. My husband has a job, my son is happy and secure and safe at our new location. And I am close to being able to start my career again in cosmetology. We were able to relocate and get away from old negative influences, people and places. We are attending church regularly and are involved in a recovery program for substance abuse. Life is good! MR, Madison, NC
Jaclyn Smothers, Case Manager
Amy Steele, Executive Director