Rockingham County Help for Homeless, Inc. is a faith-based organization providing support services and affordable housing options to individuals and families in Rockingham County who are homeless or at risk of being homeless. Our mission is to help our clients become self sufficient and productive members of our community.
RCHH assists individuals and families who are living in places not meant for human habitation or those in emergency shelters, safe havens or living with family and friends. Due to significant loss of income or serious physical or mental illness, maintaining self sufficiency can be an over whelming challenge. As of January 202 people, 41 families and 61 children in Rockingham County do not have a place to call home.
RCHH was founded in the year 2000 and now operates out of an office in Madison, North Carolina. We have relationships with property managers and real estate companies scattered about in Rockingham County. We also partner with other support organizations to provide resources for our clients. Our staff includes executive director, case managers and outreach specialists. We rely on volunteers to help us in many important areas. Our staff and board of directors represents the diversity of Rockingham County and includes wonderfully talented and dedicated leaders who have a heart for helping others.
Our Staff
•Amy Steele, Executive Director
•Jaclyn Smothers, Case Manager
Our Board of Directors
•Tom Balsley, Board President, is Mayor Pro Tem for the city of Reidsville and is a retired Human Resources Executive.
•Ilvarez Henderson, Board Treasurer, owns and manages H&S Automated Bookkeeping Service.
Board Members
•Al Jolly, owner of Jolly Works, is a local entrepreneur and businessman.
•Barbara DeJournett, owner of Pelham Transportation Corporation has served the needs of people all around the world.
• Dawn Stone, owner of New Dawn Realty
• Linda Alexander, Assistant Director, Elliott University, UNC Greensboro
• Sid Baker - Past Chairman, NC Foundation for Public School Children

Jaclyn Smothers, Case Manager
Amy Steele, Executive Director