Rockingham County Help for Homeless, Inc. offers:
•Transitional and Permanent housing to individuals who are homeless or are at risk of becoming homeless. Clients who apply and qualify for housing are supported with rental assistance and utility assistance. RCHH’s support to these families is based on family need and income.
•Case management and support services is provided to help families become self sufficient. Case management will include identifying measurable goals and objectives, developing an action plan, providing necessary supportive services and monitoring for results.
•Emergency assistance for utilities, rent and medications is available when resources are available. We are fortunate to have helped many people last year with assistance that enabled them to stay in their homes and maintain their health.
•Food assistance is offered to families who are in need. RCHH will give food to a family every six months as an emergency provision to fill a gap. We will provide names and numbers for other food pantries in the area.
•Support Circles of Rockingham County is a program designed for families who do not qualify for our grants. Support Circles mobilizes the faith-based community to support and mentor family members in six areas: Education, Employment, Child Care, Transportation, Life Skills and Health Care.
•Referrals to other services and organizations are vital for a helping the family transition from crisis to stability to self sufficiency. RCHH has pivotal relationships with other service providers to help in areas that we are not able to assist.
Jaclyn Smothers, Case Manager
Amy Steele, Executive Director